Destination Wedding Tasty Tuesday

Yummy Breakfast Ideas


For the cream, I blend even parts cream cheese with some mascarpone cheese.  Then I puree fruit: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, you decide your favorite.  For the crepes, blend together four eggs, 1 cup of milk, one tablespoon of sugar, half a cup of flour, and just a pinch of salt.  Melt a small amount of butter into an omelette pan.  Measure out a quartercup of the batter into the pan, they only take about a minute on each side.  Place the finished crepe on a plate, and spread the fruit puree over it.  Roll it up, and pour some of the cream over the top.  It's a delicious meal that only sounds difficult to make.
You can make ebelskivers with a number of different batters and with any kind of filling. My favorites are:
-Regular pancake batter filled with raspberries and sweet creamcheese.
-Regular pancake batter filled with carmelized bananas and peanut butter.
-Cornmeal batter filled with cheese and crumbled sausage.